A Small Guide On Wound Care First Aid — How To Treat Burns Or Bleeding Cuts?
What is a wound? A wound is damage or injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. It can be minor cuts, scrapes, scratches, and punctured skin but how would you take care when you get your finger cut while cutting vegetables or a spider bite or stovetop burn or anything else? We cannot ignore everyday injuries but handling them quickly or calmly can heal those wounds effectively. This is when the first aid takes place and ensures proper care and treatment.
Why Is First Aid Necessary?
Healthy and intact skin is a natural barrier to germs but when it gets broken due to any injury, it becomes a treat for germs to enter our bodies. Applying proper and appropriate first aid to a wound can faster the process of healing and reduce the risks of infections.
To help you know and understand how to take care of broken skin at home, we have come up with the essential wound care first aid tips. They help speed up healing and avoid infections. Let’s have a look:

1.Don’t Worry About Slight Bleeding — The very first step towards aiding any wound is to get control over bleeding but small or slight bleeding can be helpful to clean out the wound. Most small cuts and scrapes can bleed quickly and applying pressure with a clean tissue or sterilized piece of gauze to the site can help remove the unwanted material soon. If the blood soaks through, keep applying pressure until the bleeding stops.
2.Wash Your Hands First — Before cleaning or dressing the wound, you need to ensure that your hands are clean to prevent contamination and infection of the wound.
3.Clean Bleeding Cuts Or Wounds — The next step is to clean the wound with cool water for any cut or scrape. Try to remove any visible dirt, splinters, pebbles, or debris gently with soap and a washcloth. You can use tweezers. Some people start applying iodine or alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide for cuts and scrapes but it is wrong as it can cause irritating the wound.
4.Apply Antibiotic Ointment and Creams — Now, you need to apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment and creams. The ingredients in this cream help keep wounds moist to heal faster as well as reduces the risks of infection. But in some cases, it can cause rashes in the skin. So, you need to be careful and stop using them if you experience any skin reaction.
5.Is Bandage Necessary? — You might wonder whether you should apply bandages to the cuts and scrapes or not. Normally it is necessary especially if your wound is in an area where it could get rubbed by your clothing. An uncovered cut or scrap is prone to attract or develop an infection. Adhesive bandages are good to protect the injuries from bacteria. Also, change bandages daily to keep the wound clean.
6.Figure Out Any Signs Of Adhesive Or Latex Allergy — Do you feel any itching, blisters, redness, or burning under or around your bandage? Then, you may have an allergy to the latex or adhesive used in the bandage. In this case, you need to switch to sterile gauze and paper tape or hypoallergenic bandages designed for people with sensitive skin.
7.Watch Signs Of Infections — If there is swelling or redness or green/yellow fluid is released from the wound, or the affected area is warm or tender, you may have an infection. Additional signs include fever, body aches, or chills. If any, you need to call the doctor.
If the condition of your burn wounds looks more severe to you or they are taking longer time to heal, you need to see Burns And Scalds Wound Care. The qualified and experienced team will first examine your wound and then generate a customized treatment plan for effective healing in the comfort of your home.
How To Take Care Of Minor Burns?
The very first and important thing to do when you get a minor burn is to cool the area with a cool cloth or rinse the affected area with cool running water. It soothes the burn. Now wash the burned area with soap and water and gently dress it. You should not pop the skin blisters.
When To See A Doctor?
You need to see a doctor if your wound:
●Is very deep or long
●Painful and do not stop bleeding after applying pressures
●Has dirt or shows signs of infections
●Near the eye
●Animal bite etc.
If you have got a cut or scrape or something serious and want to ensure proper healing, you can contact Wound Care Surgeons. They will evaluate the condition and determine the best treatment possible for you in the comfort of your home.